"I AM's" Holiness Church: Faith & Purpose

Our Leadership

Founder and Overseer Bishop Janis F. Byrd was born in Buffalo, New York and is the youngest of 5 children. She began her education in the Chicago School System where she completed high school. Bishop Byrd has also attended Chicagoland Christian Center Bible Institute in Chicago, IL.; and The Joint College of Bishops in Cleveland, OH.
Bishop Byrd gave her life to Christ in 1990 and was later filled with the Holy Ghost.
She previously served under the anointed leadership of Bishop Iona Locke of Christ Centered Ministries, she also served under the anointed leadership of Pastor Estelle Dixon, founder of Restoration Holiness Church. She also served as armor bearer to Apostle DeLoris Moore, founder of A Taste of Jesus Ministries She previously attended Roberts Temple COGIC under the leadership of Superintendent Cleveland Wardlow, Jr.
Bishop Byrd's ministry is strongly dedicated to loving all people, obeying God's Word, reaching out to lost souls, ministering to hurting people, and inspiring the believer. She endeavors to minister to the total man through social and spiritual services whereby the gospel and faith are applied in daily life.
She also serves as a spiritual advisor to Compassion in Action Ministries and Zion Call Ministries located in Chicago, IL. She is an anointed writer. Inspired by the Holy Spirit she has written several Christian plays that have been performed at various churches throughout the Chicago land area and also in McKeesport, PA. She has also recently published a nonfiction book titled “From Captivity to Captured.” Available on Amazon. Insert link from Amazon please

Pastor Latrice S. Saxon
Pastor Latrice Saxon accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at an early age under the leadership of Bishop Isaiah Leon Roberts of Roberts Temple C.O.G.I.C. in Chicago, IL. She later confessed and surrendered to a public call under the leadership of Pastor Janis F. Byrd of “I AM’s” Holiness Church and was licensed as a Minister of the church. She also worked diligently with the “Hear” (Audio) Ministry. Latrice was ordained an Elder under the leadership of Apostle Bridget Outlaw. In 2019 Latrice was again ordained an Elder under the leadership of Pastor F. Byrd and was association with Christ Centered Ministries under the leadership of Bishop Iona E. Locke.
Elder Latrice Saxon was born and raised in Chicago, IL where she completed her high school education, in 2005 she received an associate's degree from ITT Technical Institute. She also attended the School of Intense Apostolic Evangelism, in Chicago, Illinois under the tutelage of Apostle Bridget Outlaw.
Elder Latrice was destined to be in the ministry from an early age by the laying on of hands of her grandmother. “When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” (2 Tim 1:5) Her grandmother being a praying woman, Latrice has picked up the mantel and is truly a gifted prayer. Because Latrice was raised in the presence of the older saints she wears the mantel of the saints of old. She is dedicated and has served the body of Christ diligently from an early age being instrumental in leading others to Christ.
Elder Latrice is gifted in many areas which include: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Prayer, Music and Deliverance Ministries. She is a radical, powerful woman of God. Her favorite scripture is “I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (PS 34:1) Latrice has a loving family and she is a PK.
On April 23, 2022 Elder Latrice was elevated and ordained as Pastor of “I AM’s” Holiness Church,” Inc. under the leadership of Bishop Janis F. Byrd.
Board of Directors
Bishop Janis F. Byrd
President & CEO
Pastor Latrice Saxon
Elder Helen Saxon
Elder Kathryn Potts
Mother Christine Carroll
Brother Roger Gaston
Lay Board Member
Our Faith
1. The Scriptures:
We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction; that it has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter; that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us; and therefore is, and shall remain to the end of the world, the true center of Christian union, and the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds and opinions shall be tried.
We believe that all scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. (2 Tim. 3:16)
Therefore, we acknowledge the Holy Scriptures as doctrine for this church. We hold the Word of God to be our rule of faith and practice. As God-fearing, peace-loving, law-abiding people, we claim our natural right to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience.
2. The Godhead:
We believe that there is one and only one true and living God; an infinite, intelligent Spirit, whose name is JEHOVAH, the maker of all heaven and earth. God is one, but manifested in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost (i.e., Holy Spirit); equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.

3. Mankind and His Fall:
We believe that man was created a holy being, made in the likeness and image of God, but by voluntary transgression, he fell from the holy and happy state. Through this, fallen sin entered into the world, and all men became sinners, not by constraint but by choice, having taken on a sinful nature through the bloodline of Adam.
4. Jesus Christ:
We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God according to the Holy Scriptures, that He was crucified and that He rose from the grave and is seated at the right hand of The Father.

5. Baptism in the Holy Ghost:
We believe that the baptism of the Holy Ghost (i.e., the Holy Spirit) is an experience separate from salvation (subsequent to conversion and sanctification). We believe that we are not baptized with the Holy Ghost in order to be saved, but that we are baptized with the Holy Ghost because we are saved. This experience is usually accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Ghost himself gives utterance. (Acts 2:4, 38-39)
We believe that the Holy Ghost is needed in the life of a believer in order to make his walk with God complete, and that the Holy Ghost is a helper to all those who receive him.
6. Salvation (Born Again):
We believe that salvation cannot be bought, sold, stolen or earned, but that it can only be given by the grace of God through faith unto repentance, for it is the gift of God. (Eph. 2:8)
We believe that mankind is saved from eternal damnation by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, accepting Him into their heart and through Godly sorrow that worketh repentance (forsaking of their sins). The only way to The Father is through Jesus Christ, his son. (John 14:6)
You must be born again (John 3:3) and cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus Christ. Once you are born again, you become a new creature in Christ, and there is a series of changes that begin to take place in your life.
7. Divine Healing:
We believe in divine healing and miracles. Healing is for the physical, mental and emotional ailments of the human body and is manifested by the power of God through the prayer of faith. All believers have the ability to lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:18). All healings and miracles are attributed to the power of God by his will.
8. The Return of Our Lord:
We believe that Jesus Christ shall come again and "the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air." (1 Thes. 4:16) He shall return, and the saints who shall be priests shall reign with him for a thousand years. (Rev. 20:6)

9. Holiness:
We believe that without holiness, no man shall see the Lord (Heb. 12:14). It is holiness or hell. Holiness is not a denomination, but a lifestyle that God calls us to live. "That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life." (Luke 1:74-75) "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." (1 Peter 1:15-16)
10. Water Baptism:
We believe in water baptism (immersion in water), which is symbolic of the Christian's identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. On the confession of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and His authority, we baptize you in the Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Ghost in Jesus' name. Amen.

11. Sanctification:
We believe that sanctification is the process by which, according to the will of God, we are made partakers of His holiness; that it is a progressive work; that it is begun in regeneration; and that it is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, the Sealer, and Comforter, in the continual use of the appointed means - especially, the Word of God, self-examination, self-denial, watchfulness and prayer.
12. Civil Government:
We believe that civil governments are God-given institutes for the interest and good order of mankind. We admonish and exhort our members to pray for and conscientiously honor magistrates and civil authorities; respect and obey the civil laws, which are not contrary to the Word of God. "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well." (1 Peter 2:13-14)
Our Purpose
To lift up the name of Jesus Christ, declaring that He is Lord and King. To be kingdom builders by helping broken, hurting people understand who Jesus Christ is. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart. . .” (Matt 11:28-29)
To show the love of God to people of all nations through the preaching, teaching and performing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping them to grow naturally and spiritually. To do the work of the ministry, having an impact on the world that Satan will be horrified as God the Father is glorified.
Our Vision
To own property and facilities with the purpose of housing a multi-faceted
ministry to develop the total man (spirit, soul and body).
The ministry would consist of:
Main Church Sanctuary
Executive and
Administrative Offices
Youth Facilities (Gymnasium)
Health Center
Multi-purpose facility (for plays, movies, etc.)
Food Pantry
Christian Performance School
To assist in the establishment and development of
various outside ministries. It is our endeavor to be of assistance to the
body of Christ in the knowledge of the Lord through the preaching of the
Word of God, any and everywhere the Lord deems fit to send us.
Our Vision
To own property and facilities with the purpose of housing a multi-faceted
ministry to develop the total man (spirit, soul and body).
The ministry would consist of:
Main Church Sanctuary
Executive and
Administrative Offices
Youth Facilities (Gymnasium)
Health Center
Multi-purpose facility (for plays, movies, etc.)
Food Pantry
Christian Performance School
To assist in the establishment and development of
various outside ministries. It is our endeavor to be of assistance to the
body of Christ in the knowledge of the Lord through the preaching of the
Word of God, any and everywhere the Lord deems fit to send us.